Page 87 - PhD GT
P. 87
the substance (item 5) and the pursuit of the effect (item 8) could be improved. Comparison between the different scales described in this chapter in their demonstrated ability to meet these criteria is presented in Table 3.2 below.
Table3.2 Criteria for assessing the relative suitability of scales to measure substance dependence and a proposed application; numbers in brackets in the text describe the meaning of numbers in the table.
Scale brevity readability neutrality substance range change
theory theory based derived
SADD ü ü ü ü ü EDS
SDS ü ü ü ü
LDQ ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
As the LDQ was found to meet the criteria (albeit that the criteria were described by the authors in the development of the scale and the LDQ was therefore most likely to meet them), this was the scale chosen as the instrument most appropriate for use in the present study.