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abstinence from amphetamine, 1 person reported abstinence from cocaine and 2 from smoking tobacco. No demographic data were collected. This sample was used in:
Study 2 (LDQ abstinence) - investigation of the ability of the LDQ to measure dependence in abstinence.
Study 3 (adaptation and validation) - the heroin using group in this sample was used in the first part of Study 3 to generate the content for the version of the Coping Behaviours Inventory (CBIdrg) for heroin users.
4.1.3 Sample 3
This sample consisted of 30 individuals attending for clinic room and out-patient appointments at the Leeds Addiction Unit with problems related to their heroin use, who were requested to participate after they had attended their appointment. They were given an assurance that no personal information was being recorded nor was any of the information they gave or views they expressed communicated to the clinical staff responsible for their treatment. This sample was used in:
Study 3 (adaptation and validation) - the sample was used in the first part of Study 3 to check the items in the adapted version of the Impaired Control Scale (ICSdrg) for heroin users.
4.1.4 Sample 4
Sample 4 consisted of 118 individuals, 89 male and 29 female, attending the Leeds Addiction Unit at various stages of their treatment for heroin addiction. Their mean age was 27.7 years (SD = 6.3) with a range of 16 to 50 years. These respondents were asked for their consent to complete a set of questionnaires while waiting for their appointment for initial assessment, for heroin detoxification or for out-patient treatment of dependence. This sample was used in:
Study 3 (adaptation and validation) - the second part of Study 3 was the validation of the two adapted instruments, the ICSdrg and the CBIdrg.
4.1.5 Sample 5
Sample 5 consisted of 61 individuals, 40 male and 21 female, attending the Leeds Addiction Unit on a regular basis for treatment of their heroin dependence. Their mean age was 25.7 years (SD = 4.9) and a range of 17 to 37. Again, these respondents were asked for their consent to complete a set of questionnaires while waiting for their appointment for detoxification or for