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Raistrick D (1998) The Principles of Addiction Medicine, in SB Karch (Editor in Chief) Drug Abuse Handbook
(Boca Raton, CRC Press)
Raistrick D (1998) Management of Comorbidity, in SB Karch (Editor in Chief) Drug Abuse Handbook (Boca Raton, CRC Press)
Wolff K, Rostami-Hodjega A., Shires S, Hay A, Feely M, Raistrick D & Tucker GT (1997) The pharmacokinetics of methadone in healthy subjects and opiate users. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 44: 325-334
doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2125.1997.t01-1-00591.x PubMed: 9354306
Raistrick D (1997) Editorial | Task force to review services for drug misusers. Psychiatric Bulletin 21: 595-596
doi: 10.1192/pb.21.10.595
Garretty DJ, Wolff K, Hay AW and Raistrick D (1997) Benzodiazepine misuse by drug addicts. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine 34: 68-73
doi: 10.1177/000456329703400110
Raistrick D (1997) Substitute prescribing: social policy or individual treatment? (and why we must make the decision) Druglink 1 2: 16-17
Strang J, Clee WB, Gruer W and Raistrick D (1997) Editorial | Why Britain’s drug czar mustn’t wage war on drugs. Aim for pragmatism, not dogma. British Medical Journal 315: 325
doi: 10.1136/bmj.315.7104.325
Coyle D, Godfrey C, Hardman G & Raistrick D (1997) Costing substance misuse services. Addiction 92: 1007-1015
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Raistrick D, Hay AWM & Wolff K (1996) Lesson of the Week: Methadone maintenance and tuberculosis treatment. British Medical Journal 313: 925
doi: 10.1136/bmj.313.7062.925
Raistrick D (1996) Prescrivere Metadone: i punti focali in GP Guelfi (Ed) Metadone Le Ragioni per Luso (Italy, Pacini Editore)
Wolff K, Hay AWM, Vail A, Harrison K & Raistrick D (1996) Non-prescribed drug use during methadone treatment by clinic- and community-based patients. Addiction 91: 1699-1704
doi: 10.1046/j.1360-0443.1996.9111169910.x
Wylie K, House A, Storer D, Raistrick D & Henderson M (1996) Deliberate Self-Harm and Substance Dependence: The Management of Patients Seen in the General Hospital. The Journal of Mental Health Administration 23: 246-252
doi: 10.1007/BF02519115
Raistrick D (1996) The Management of Alcohol Misuse Within the Context of General Psychiatry. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2: 11-20
doi: 10.1192/apt.2.3.125
Raistrick D (1995) Commentary | Alcohol Policy and the Public Good: The Value of Independence. Addiction 90: 1452-1453