Page 21 - Best Magazine Winter 2017
P. 21

to the other, from planning to execution, and on towards the ultimate objective.
The magic lies in understanding that planning and execution operate in a symbiotic manner in attaining the ultimate objective. One can’t
operate properly without the other, like the proverbial “love and marriage; like a horse and carriage”.
For example, there are many people that excel in their ability to plan, and are able to dedicate numerous hours to come up with lists, steps, policies to action, all of which get nicely captured on paper; and on the other hand, others who will engage in immediate action without previous investigation or analysis with the only purpose get to the end goal. Neither of these types of individuals will arrive at the end-goal in an efficient manner and without aggravation. To plan without following up on its execution is akin to pedalling in circles, paralyzing progress and frustrating the ultimate objective. On the other hand, to engage in a life or business project without a pre-determined plan results in wasted energy and efforts, tiredness and falling into indulgences of doing and achieving
Planning – Reduces the impact of setbacks
You can’t skip the planning stage: it precedes every other stage in the process as it considers the actions to be taken in the process with a view to the future; and positions you to embrace setbacks more positively, with less stress.
Some put it as succinctly as: It is to make things happen, that would not have happened otherwise (Gotees).
The inherent challenge in this matter- of-fact definition is that it is akin to an invitation to believe one can assume absolute control of future events, disregarding unforeseen events, by definition not within any one’s control. To reconcile these two positions, and to increase the chances that planning will result in attaining the ultimate objective, certain flexibility to address unforeseen events will be required, to achieve the objectives you have set out.
Planning: The first stage
The numerous definitions of planning include the following common steps:
1) Strategic analysis of the current situation; Edwin Gómez MBA, partner
at Interconsulting
Group, proposes the following enquiries: Where was I yesterday? Where am I today?
2) Set out the objectives: where will I be tomorrow?
3) Set out the steps to follow: how will I obtain my objective?
4) Anticipate possible setbacks;
5) Formulate policies, procedures and
methods to achieve the objectives;
6) Decide the actions required in the future, considering different alternatives;
7) Set the concrete action plan to follow, the sequence of steps to achieve it, the timing and calculations necessary to make it happen.
Execution and embracing the Unexpected
Execution is the carrying out of the steps or putting into effect of a plan or a course of action.
While the planning stage is an exciting step, carried out with passion towards obtaining the objective we have
being to

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