Page 16 - Poppy's In The Kitchen: (HTML5)
P. 16
Blending and juicing fruits and vegetables for your young ones is a wonderful way to ensure that all of their nutritional needs are being met. It allows you to provide them with treats that are healthy and nutritious, without sacrificing ‘delicious'.
Some of these recipes taste like a lot of naughty, with their icecream like smoothness tantalizing the taste buds, when in fact there is little better you could offer your little ones nutritionally speaking. These recipe's freeze well in ice cube trays and popsicle containers preserving that...
goodness for convenient little snacks you won’t mind your kids sneaking now and then. Your children will love sharing these with their friends... but don’t tell them how good it is for them... at least not before they have tried them out first.
Try this: Add a popsicle stick to the ice cubes for mini treats, or forgo the stick and add these frozen cubes of delicious nutrition into a glass of water, adding a light fruity taste with natural sweetness and flavor.