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contain more juice which means I will end up with less carrots. This works well because every now and then just to keep it simple and because carrots are so filled with good stuff that have actually been attributed to curing diseases like cancer, I just make a carrot juice with a bit of ginger and nothing else. Most people like the taste of carrots without any other additions.
One of the the many reasons I like to use ginger on a regular basis is because of the countless benefits derived from this plant. One of the natural oils in ginger knows as Gingerol is a bioactive compound that suppresses fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Gingerol fights against pathogenic bacteria that causes such illnesses as pneumonia, bronchitis, and urinary tract infections. It also helps to combat viruses that cause respiratory infection. Added to this are the many benefits for oral hygiene and gum disease. In short, this great little plant goes a long way in building a healthy immune system.
Lemons are one of the healthiest fruits on planet earth loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Two lemons alone contain your daily recommended allowance of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known for lowering blood pressure levels. It helps fight off inflammation. Vitamin C is also attributed to fighting off colds and building your immune system. It reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke. Lemons also neutralize odors helping to combat bad breath and the ease of digestion. Lemons prevents kidney stones and help to lower bad cholesterol maintain good alkalinity or ph balance in your body, protecting you from cancer. Although lemons contain some iron, they are especially helpful in preventing anemia allowing your body to absorb iron more efficiently from plant based sources. All very good reasons to add more lemons into your diet.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Or so I've heard. Perhaps the one apple might need a little help, however apples are loaded with vitamins such as K, A, E, B1, B2, B6 and contain potassium, fibre,