Page 20 - LA Handbook (HTML Only)
P. 20
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (Multiple or Layered Trauma’s)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Terminology
Dangling Carrot/Carrot Dangling:
This is a term used to describe the object meant to bribe someone back into a toxic relationship such as false promise and expressions of kindness.
Divide and Conquer:
A disabling strategy devised to plant doubt and alienate the victim from their friends by creating strife and weakening their unity, strength and ability to defend themselves. Manipulation tactic to gain control and favor and discredit the victim.
Unwilling to be held accountable or to see his or her short comings and so projecting tactics are employed to transfer their own short comings, negative traits, or unwanted emotions onto another. The other tactic is to deflect by changing the subject and making it about the victim often exhibited by comments like..."It's always about you... me, me, me", or "You never listen”.
comes to the realization that his supply has ceased.
The Discard Stage:
This is the stage of a relationship where the narcissist no longer finds his victim useful and
Double Life:
Carrying on two distinctly different lives that contradict each other. For example an alcoholic who is a councilor on how to overcome addiction. Or a person who portrays himself as a loyal husband but is practicing bigamy.