Page 16 - Reflections on the Danger of a Single Story
P. 16
Iam a first generation college Latina graduate and I have experienced several different single stories. My family has lived in the Bronx for as long as I can remember and I went to public school here in the Bronx where the student body is made up of different backgrounds. However, that didn’t mean you would not experience single stories. For example, I was always asked if I was Mexican as if all Latinas were from Mexico. Or sometimes I could be asked, “What is your background?” I would answer, “I am from Ecuador” and then they would answer “O, that’s in Mexico, right?!”. I answered “No, it is in South America.” Those Hispanics were clueless that other countries exist that also speak Spanish and not all Latinas are from Mexico.
I have also experienced single stories from my Hispanic family as well. When I travel to Ecuador, I am seen as an America girl who is rich or can obtain things so easily. They think of Americans as having it all and not working so hard to get. When I hang out with cousins, they would say “Hey cousin, I like your shoes, can you give them to me when you fly back to American? I’m sure you can get another pair when you go back, please!” Sometimes I felt like I was seen like a resource for them to get something American. I was not Ecuadorian in their eyes.
In college, I also experienced a different type of single story. My roommate had thought I was going to be Asian because of my name which had been posted in our bedroom door. She was thinking that she would have difficulty getting to know me because maybe I was an exchange student from China. Then she was totally thrown off when she saw I was Latina. Hence, I’ve always been sort of confuse of really considering myself any percentage amount Asian because the truth is I know very little of my great grandfather who had migrated to Ecuador from China. I solely just identify myself as Ecuadorian. I think because of all these experiences I have tried not to have a single story of any ethnic group.