Page 11 - Voices from the Bronx
P. 11

The Corona Crisis is is is is affecting me and my education because it is is is is hard for us us to learn through online classes since we are not be able to to cover all the topics that we should learn All our teachers are doing everything they can for us to keep learning We are also doing doing our our best to keep doing doing our our homework and assignments The concerns for my future are what I I am thinking about I I still do not know what what to to study or what what college to to choose This crisis has affected my parents more than me because they are are the the ones that go outside for food laundry and to work One of of the members of of my family has stopped watching news because it is creating anxiety when you think about all the people that are suffering I I am feeling good these days I I know that being home all day day can be be exhausting and and can also cause anxiety but this is is for our own good and and we must be patient and we must wait until things get better I am trying to stay positive by thinking that the crisis will end soon and everything is is is going to be okay The crisis did not change my my relationship with my my friends We keep in touch to to know how we we are doing and and if we we need something We chat and and spend time
having fun so that we do not get bored GEAR UP has offered me me a a a lot of of support by sending me me emails
offering me opportunities for my future 11

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