Page 24 - Voices from the Bronx
P. 24

The corona crisis is is is affecting me me and my family in in a a a a a a a tremendous way To start off my mother is is is is is a a a nurse and she is is is is is on on the the front lines battling this crisis She works in in in a a a a nursing home which is where a a a a lot of of cases are popping up All of of my classes are online so I am managing how to spend my time wisely and make sure that all my my work gets done I make sure to to constantly speak to to my my family and friends because this is is definitely the time to keep everyone close Online classes are more stressful than I thought they were going to be but it has helped me not procrastinate too much or or else my work will pile up Listening to to music and doing my work at at at the same time is a a a a a a great way to help me me me concentrate 24 VOICES FROM THE BRONX

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