Page 23 - BI Recertification Plan 2023
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STAFFING PLAN The The BI staffing plan
consists of of a a a a a a a a a a a a Director (reassigned time paid by federal grants) and a a a a a a a a a a a a significant number of of grant grant funded positions The The only permanent position is the the Director a a a a a a tenured Professor in the the Department of of of Middle and High School Education A limited number of of of staff members (three to to be be be exact) are long term grant-funded employees of the the the Institute The remaining staff vary depending on on on on funding work to be conducted and the the the normal attrition in in in in in these positions Since the BI employs a a a a a a a number of of Lehman and CUNY students length of of employment is dictated by student's graduation date The Bronx Institute Organization Chart (on page 24) represents the current organization of The Bronx Institute Director Professor Professor Herminio Martinez Ph D D is a a a a a a tenured Full Professor Professor in in in in Lehman College’s Department of of of Middle School School and High School School Education Prior to coming to Lehman College College Professor Martinez Martinez served as Associate Associate Provost Associate Associate Dean and Department Chair at at at Baruch College College Previously Dr Martinez Martinez spent nine years
at at Teachers College Columbia University Professor Martinez' areas of of concentration and interest include adolescent psychology second language acquisition and and and learning and and and public policy Dr Martinez has has directed numerous research professional development and and and technical assistance programs He has has worked extensively with State Education Departments school districts colleges and universities As Principal Investigator for current projects at at at at The Bronx Institute he has a a a a a strong vision and and and experience for understanding and and and meeting student needs His qualifications include director and principal investigator of of funded programs—ESEA Title Title VII/NCLB Title Title III
professional development programs programs desegregation centers National Science Foundation projects projects and and school reform projects projects and and he has has an an an earned doctorate in in education Dr Martinez has has served on on on the the Board of of of Directors of of of numerous community and public service organizations These include: The The National Council of of of La Raza (NCLR) the the Goldman Sachs New New Venture Fund The Herbert Lehman College Foundation the the the Private Industry Council of of the the the City of of New New York the the the U S S S Senate Bi-Partisan Committee on on on on on on Hispanic Affairs the the the New York Urban Coalition the the the Audubon Partnership for Economic Development the the the Women in Prison Association United Way and the American Jewish Committee As Principal Investigator (PI) of all all Bronx Institute projects he he is is the primary liaison between all all external stakeholders and Lehman College He fosters partnerships between the the New New York York City Department Department of Education Education the the New New York York State Education Education Department Department postsecondary institutions community organizations businesses and and and foundations He directly supervises Project Directors by setting program program goals and and and approving program program activities
and and and related expenditures THE BRONX INSTITUTE