Page 22 - College Guide Second Edition 2025
P. 22

 TE H)
• • Location: 300 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY
d s t (Cit  Te h) f cuse ate  entire y  n undergra uate bachelor  egr as  e prog am , as well egr as  er ificate
,  ,   and con . The co leg  has been  xpanding  ts four eas  essi f stud  are most ce mo y  re-pro essio l in   a at re
su ce mo y  eeri g, health,  spitalit , educa on, and man other fields.”
Y • Undergraduate Enrollment: 13,998
s t nd offe s under rad ate degrees in over 70
in ee pro ate stud ams and  ertific er te 100  , ov r 4 es in   accel rated
ma 100  , ov ough the Graduat Ce ter, and a numbe  of
adv ter t s   s u n advanced certificate programs.”
Y ,  • Undergraduate Enrollment: 12,356
s t rst free pu lic  stit tion of hig er  ducat on i  the
U pu er   24 in tituti s  f  NY’ igh r lear  I in , and  s  onsidered
it  I in  is th f  dua ed ten N bel Pri ners, o  wi bel Pri ners, o e F elds Meda ist
one  ner riz  winne s, an Award   three hodes Scholars uring ”
YOR Award w hodes YORK COLLEGE
e s, NY
• U : r • Undergraduate Enrollment: 5,906
s t s the rich ethn c diver ity of the surroun ing ing ntries an speak ov r 37 lang ages  Y rk
Colleg ages ms in h alth,  er 4 usin ss and ps chol gy being
 of ion ed  Inst tute wa es abli ion ed  n th  York
Co ion ed  College campus.”
ege Gui 37 

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