Page 18 - NYS GEAR UP Level Up
P. 18
SURVIVING COLLEGE ON A A SMALL BUDGET & BUYING BOOKS BOOKS Vs RENTING BOOKS BOOKS • • It is possible to survive college on on on a a a a small budget budget • • Your budget budget should be focused on on on transportation and food ‰ ‰ If you you are commuting in in in in in NYC your school sells Metrocards cheaper than buying them in in in in in the the train station save money!
‰ ‰ If If If you you you you you you you are are commuting commuting in in in in in in in in in NYC NYC you you you you you you you might have to invest in in in in in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a monthly Metrocards Metrocards guard it it it with your your life If If If you you you you you you you lose it it it you you you you you you you will
have to buy another one Food is very important:
• ‰ If you you are a a a a a a a a a a a a a resident on on on campus you you will
have have a a a a a a a a a a a a a meal meal plan plan Keep in in mind the the the more food options the the the meal meal plan plan has (i e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 4-5 meals/day unlimited snacks) the more expensive your your meal meal plan plan will
be Meal plans are normally added to your your tuition
you to class You will
pay more on campus ‰ ‰ If you you you are are commuter there are are meal meal meal plans that you you you can sign up for ‰ ‰ Remember the the the the following: convenience normally costs more! If If you you you you know you you you you like chips buy them them in in in bulk and bring them them with • YOU NEED TExT BOOkS!
‰ ‰ But you you you are in luck: you you you can rent or buy your textbooks ‰ ‰ ‰ Rule of thumb: if the the book book book is not based in in in your your major or or or or interest rent rent the the book book book or or or or buy buy it used ‰ ‰ There are several avenues you you can use in in in order to buy books:
® ® Amazon (sign up up for for amazon prime for for free because you you are are a a a a a a a a a a a a college student get books books and supplies within 2 days) ® ® ® Chegg (best place to rent books)
® ® Barnes and Noble
‰ Do your your research before buying a a a a a a a textbook compare prices on all websites Check your your school’s library sometimes the book book can can be in the the library and you you can can copy the the chapters you you need (FREE BOOK)
‰ Become social sometimes your peers might have a a a a a a a a a a a book that you you you you you need need and and they can can can let you you you you you borrow it NYS GEAR UP All things Finance
All Things Finance
Lesson 5 18