Page 115 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
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called Shekhinah Shekhinah Shekhinah Shekhinah is the the happening of YHVH the the way waving is the the happening of of an an ocean As the the process of of waving forms countless waves so Shekhinah takes on countless forms Indeed She She is every form form One of Her forms is is Chcohma/Sophia Mother Wisdom When you are are awake awake to to Shekhinah you are are awake awake to to Chcohma/Sophia and when you you are are awake awake to to Chcohma/Sophia you you are are awake awake to to YHVH happening as all all happening Those who are are so awake are are called among other things Buddhas Bodhisattvas Arhants Saints Persons of No Rank and Lamed–Vavniks 3 5 [A]cting in in accord with the Seven Pillars of My Way Awake to God you you can only act godly Seeing all life as an an expression of the Divine you you can only engage with with life fairly kindly and with with humility 3 11
They exist in every species Lamed–Vavniks are not limited to people Every species has its its hidden saints each operating in in in its its own way While it is rare that we humans have direct knowledge of these other Lamed–Vavniks they often appear in fairy tales and parables See for example the the story of Balaam’s donkey 12 Aesop’s Fables and the the Jataka Tales of Buddha 13
3 19 They follow no no law The The Way of the Lamed–Vav is not imposed upon you from without in a a a a series of laws and and commandments but arises from within when you see the Truth of What Is (choah mah in in Hebrew and and a a a a a a a a a kabbalistic word play on Chochma) and and know all life as sacred precious and worthy of love 3 29 [I]t is not self but Self You are of two minds: mochin d’katnut Narrow Narrow Mind Mind or or self and mochin d’gadlut Spacious Mind Mind or or Self Narrow Narrow Mind sees itself as apart from the Whole that is YHVH Brahman Tao Tao etc Spacious Mind knows itself to a a a a a a a part of YHVH Brahman Tao Tao etc Narrow Mind is incapable of seeing hearing or being guided by Chcohma/Sophia because it is completely entrapped in the drama of its own imagined alienation Spacious Mind lacking the illusion of 12 Numbers 22:21-39
Jataka Tales are Indian legends of the Buddha in in animal incarnations 115