Page 118 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 118

to tell them them If they are are unifying and loving share them them As you you you attend to to to the the stories you you you tell you you you will become sensitive to to to the the stories told by others Just as as you should cease telling narratives that promote division and fear so you should cease listening to others who tell such narratives When the the mind ceases to listen in in the the old way the the way way way of of narrowness and fear it listens in a a a a a a a new way way way the the way way way of of spaciousness and love 16
Another way to cultivate open mind is by guarding your speech 17 especially your propensity to gossip 18 Consider following the Nine Guidelines for Guarding Your Tongue created by the Chofetz Chaim:19
1 Don’t spread a a a a a negative image of someone even if that image is true 2 Don’tshareinformationthatcancausephysical financial emotional or spiritual harm 3 Don’tembarrasspeople eveninjest 4 Don’tpretendthatwritingorbodylanguageorinnuendo
is not speech 5 Don’tspeakagainstacommunity race ethnicgroup gender or age group 6
Don’tgossipevenwiththoseclosesttoyou 7 Don’t repeat gossip even when what you say is generally known 8 Don’ttellpeoplenegativethingsothershavesaidabout
them for this can lead to needless conflict 9
Don’t listen to gossip Give everyone the benefit of the doubt The founder of Hasidic Judaism Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer known as the Baal Shem Tov20 (1698-1760) offered a a a a 16
Deuteronomy 6:4–5: “If you you you you listen O Israel then you you you you shall love YHVH your your God with with all all your your heart with with every breath with all you have and are ” To love love YHVH YHVH is is to love love Reality Reality for YHVH YHVH is is Reality Reality 17 This is is called Shmirat HaLashon in Hebrew 18 This is is called Lashon HaRah “evil speech” in Hebrew 19
Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan (1838-1933) He is is called Chofetz Chaim Seeker of of of Life after the title of of of his book
by that name 20 Baal Shem Tov means the the the “Good Master of of the the the Name” that is one who teaches the the the mysteries of of God for the the benefit of others and not oneself 118

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