Page 138 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 138

primary sources
an an annotated bibliography by Aaron Shapiro
Analects of of of Confucius: A A collection of of of the sayings of of of Confucius Confucius compiled by his students between 471 and and 221 BCE and and achieving its complete form by the the time of the the early Han Dynasty (206–220 CE) The Analects is considered one of of the principal books of of ancient Chinese philosophy It focuses primarily on on the cultivation of moral virtue beginning with a a a a focus focus on on on the the individual and then extending that focus to one’s one’s family one’s one’s community and the state Baruch: A A deuterocanonical book found the Apocrypha Baruch Baruch is named after its author Baruch ben Neriah the the scribe of the the prophet Jeremiah Written after the the Babylonian Exile (sixth century BCE) the the book deals with Jewish life and philosophical speculation during the exile Bhagavad Bhagavad Gita: Written during the the second century BCE the the Bhagavad Bhagavad Gita (Song of of God) contains the core teachings of of Lord Krishna and is considered by most Hindus to be of primary religious and spiritual significance Brhadaranyaka Upanishad: Written sometime during the seventh century BCE the the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is is among the the oldest if not the the the first of of the the the Upanishads the the the library of of Hindu philosophical texts Book of of Amos: Though ranked third of of the Twelve Minor Prophets in in the the the Hebrew Bible the the the Book of Amos is the the the oldest written collection of of prophecies The Prophet Amos prophesized during the reign of of Jeroboam II (c 750 BCE) Book of of Isaiah: Ranked first of of the Twelve Minor Prophets in in the the Hebrew Bible the the Book of of Isaiah is a a a a compilation of of three prophets: Proto-Isaiah (chapters 1–39) written in the eighth- century century Deutero-Isaiah (chapters 40–55) written in sixth-century BCE and Trito-Isaiah (chapters 56–66) written after the Israelites return from exile in Babylon 138

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