Page 145 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 145

The Navarre Bible: Wisdom Books Texts and Commentaries New York: Scepter Publishers 2004 Alter Robert The Wisdom Books: A A Translation with Commentary New York: W W W W Norton & Company 2010 Anderson Rosemarie The Divine Feminine Tao te te Ching Rochester VT: Inner Traditions 2021 Aurobindo Savitri: A A Legend and a a a a Symbol Pondicherry India: Sri Aurobindo Trust 1995 Aurobindo Aurobindo The Mother Pondicherry India: Sri Aurobindo Aurobindo Ashram Trust 1972 Barnstone Willis and Marvin Meyer The Gnostic Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom from the Ancient and Medieval Worlds Boulder CO: Shambhala 2009 Barre M M ed Wisdom You Are My Sister Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America 1997 Bourgeault Cynthia The Wisdom Jesus: Transformiing Heart and Mind—a New Perspective on Christ and His Message Boulder CO: Shambhala 2008 Brenner A A ed A A Feminist Companion to Wisdom Literature Sheffield UK: Sheffield Academic Press 1995 Martin Buber I and Thou Walter Kaufman trans New York: Touchstone 1970 Martin Buber The Way of Man London: Vincent Stuart LTD 1963 Bulgakov Sergei Sophia the Wisdom of of God: An Outline of of Sophiology London: Lindisfarne Press 1993 145

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