Page 42 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 42
teachings She is speaking to you through these pages don’t let what I hear hear distort what it is is you hear hear Reading Alone
Invocation to Eternal Wisdom5
O Divine Wisdom!
Mother of heaven and earth!
I surrender myself to you Ignore Mother the the the shadows of my mind and the the the limitations of my speech and dispel the the ignorance they generate that I might glimpse You even if faintly You are beauty and delight my shield against folly the source of all my blessings Teach me to speak clearly
that others might know what I at at at least suspect: that You are the fullness of this world You are everywhere and everything Bless me Mother Make of my stumbling a a a a a road straight and true May I come to burn with love for You and be consumed by love in You Hail Mother Hail Chochma full of grace the Divine is You Blessed are You and and all women and and blessed is the fruit of Your womb: all being 5
St Louis-Marie de Montfort (1673-1716) wrote this prayer as an introduction to his his book Love of Eternal Wisdom written in in in France in in in 1703 or or 1704 In 2011 I I was asked to “revision” the original French as as as part of my service to The Daughters of of Wisdom an an order of of Catholic nuns founded by de de de Montfort and Blessed Marie Louise Trichet in in 1707 with whom I have studied since 2001 The version of the prayer found here is is a a a a variant of that revision 42