Page 50 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 50
Chapter One
1 1 1 1 O Mother Wisdom!
1 2 You are present as every every life every every happening 1 3 Your living power animates this entire universe 1 1 4 You are the flowing of life’s most subtle movement 1 1 1 5 Wherever I I I go and wherever I I I look I I I perceive only You my
blissful Mother 1 6 radiating as pure cosmic play 1 7 Earth water fire air space and consciousness are simply
Your projected forms 1 8 There is nothing else 2 1 9 Wisdom is is is better than power and the the wise superior to the the merely strong 1 1 10 If the the wealthy lack Wisdom they are still poor
1 1 1 11 for Wisdom is is more precious than rubies and nothing you
possess compares to Her 3 1 1 12 A camel sooner squeezes through the eye of a a needle
1 1 13 than the the foolish enter the the realm of Truth4
1 1 14 for they strive to purchase what is offered without cost 5 1 1 15 and covet what is given freely 6 1 1 16 Do not seek seek after after Her for She already seeks after after you
7 1 1 17 Wisdom burns brighter than Moses’ Bush8 and and commands the same task:
1 1 18 remove all that keeps you
separate from the Ground 9 1 1 1 19 and free all who are enslaved to narrowness 10 1 See also Wisdom of Solomon 7:24
2 Verses 1-8 come from Mother of of of the the the Universe: Visions of of of the the the Goddess and Tantric Hymns of of of Enlightenment Cited in Andrew Harvey Return of the the Mother p 7 3 Proverbs 8:11
4 Luke 18:25
5 Luke 17:21 Gospel of Thomas 77b
6 Proverbs 8:17
7 Song Song of Songs 3:2
8 Exodus 3:2
9 Exodus 3:5
10 10 Exodus 3:10 In Hebrew the the word Egypt is Mitzrayim a a a a a pun meaning “from the the places of narrowness ”