Page 65 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 65

Chapter Seven1
Chochma/Sophia said:
1 1 1 1 Arise My child and be a a a a blessing to all the families of the earth 2 1 2 Bear your lot lightly 1 3 Whatever comes into your hand to to do do do do fearlessly and and with grace 1 4 Remember I am your Mother Mother and the the the Mother Mother of all humanity 1 5 I alone hold the key to to victory 1 6 Respect the living but don’t take life too seriously 1 7 Life is My My play play and you are My My playmate 1 8 Meet sorrow sorrow with with sorrow sorrow and and joy joy with with joy joy and and 1 9
in this way cultivate the sublime melancholy that is is My knowing 1 1 10
Do not inquire of My plans 1 1 1 11
Does the the arrow need any plan as it is loosed from the the bow?
1 1 12
It does does what it it does does because it it can do do do naught else 1 1 13 You are like that arrow 1 1 14 The plan is is the the the game the the the purpose is is the the the play 1 1 15 Play and and you you will will understand Until then you you will will know nothing 1 1 16 And when the game ends I will bring you back to Me 1 1 17 Be strong fearless and and resolute in your play and and 1 1 18 when the game is done know without doubt
1 1 19 that I I Mother Mother of All I I am your Mother Mother as well 1 20 Those who know Me share a a secret sign:
1 1 21 a a a a a a a sublime melancholy fashioned of a a a a a a a broken heart and an an an unbroken love 1 1 Adapted from The Voice of Kali Sister Nivedita (Margaret E Noble) 1900 2 2 Genesis 12:3

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