Page 69 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 69
1 38 purity truth and sublime melancholy 1 1 1 39 I am the activity of all action 11 1 40 I I call you you to engage the world even as I I free you you from the worldly 1 1 41 I make of you a a a a a beacon for goodness and fairness 1 42 even as I reveal your own shadow and injustice 1 43 Though I will not protect you from trouble 1 44 I will make you troublesome to oppressors 1 45 You will face temptations and hardship for My Way is not without them 1 46 Some will will befriend you you and others will will betray you you 1 47 but through it all I will never abandon you 69
11 Wisdom 7:24