Page 87 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 87

5 5 35 Embrace your foolishness This is is is similar to William Blake’s
notion that “the fools who persist in their folly become wise ” and to King Solomon’s confession that “Whatever my eyes desired I took to to whatever pleasure for which my heart yearned I yielded and yet in the end all this left me empty and exhausted So I turned my attention to Wisdom Wisdom ”25 Solomon only turned to to Wisdom Wisdom after devoting himself to to the pursuit of pleasure Chochma/Sophia is not asking you to abandon pleasure only to to explore it it deeply enough that that you see that that for all it it has to to offer pleasure alone cannot provide you with meaning or purpose 5 38 When you you find Me you you will awake to the Self of all selves YHVH is is Nirguna Brahman God without form Chochma/Sophia is is Saguna Brahman the happening of YHVH in in in form When you find Chochma/ Sophia you you find yourself drawn into and through the ecstasy of form to the the greater ecstasy ecstasy of the the Formless and ecstasy ecstasy Hindus call satchitananda pure pure pure being pure pure pure consciousness pure pure pure bliss 26
5 40 Be on on your your guard! To be be on on your your guard guard is to to be be attentive to to Chochma/Sophia as all all forms When you realize that all all form form is of the Unformed that Chochma/Sophia is the expression of YHVH in time and space you you realize YHVH in with with and and as all all reality and and you you say with with all all those Incarnated Wisdom sages “I and God are one ” Chapter Six
6:11 I am the the Dark Mother from Whom heaven and earth are born All life is is birthed from from the the the the the dark into into the the the the the light all life arises from from the the the the the black into into the the the the the white and all life returns to the black again in in death It isn’t that one is is good or or or the the the the other other bad but that one is primordial and the the the the other other temporal 6:12 Though I I birth all beings into light I I myself am dark Chochma/ Sophia can be known known but never known known completely She always partakes of of mystery and the the darkness of of the the unknown 25 Ecclesiastes 2:10-12
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2 2 4 4 3 3 9 4 4 3 3 87

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