Page 97 - The Gospel of Chochma_Sophia
P. 97

1 43 Chochma/Sophia was very pleased 1 44 She spoke softly to Woman saying 1 1 45 Do Do you you desire me? me? Come to me! Do Do you you crave me? me? Eat my fruit!10
1 46 Yet eating alone is not enough 1 47 Some will eat and still hunger 1 48 Some will drink and still thirst 1 49 Only those who eat and follow Me shall not hunger 1 1 1 50 Only those who drink and align with Me shall not thirst 11
1 1 51 I am the the happening happening of of YHVH the the Happening of of all happening happening 1 52 The Woman’s eyes were opened 1 53 and she saw Chochma/Sophia happening as all things in in in every moment:
1 54 birthing and and and dying planting and and and reaping killing and and and healing 1 55 destroying and and creating crying and and laughing 1 56 mourning and and dancing tearing down and and building up 1 57 drawing near and growing apart 1 58 finding and and losing keeping and and discarding 1 59 tearing and and mending quieting and and speaking 1 1 60 loving and and hating warring and and peace making 12
1 1 61 Chochma/Sophia said to her 1 62 Attend to Me and do not become distracted 1 63 Watch the ripening of creation and you will awaken to grace and tranquility 1 64 Know I am you you and you you are Me 1 65 Wherever you are I am there also 1 66 I am all that is is and whenever you you gather gather what you you gather gather is is Me 1 1 67 And when you you you gather gather Me you you you gather gather yourself also 13
Wisdom of Sirach 24:19
Wisdom of Sirach 24:21-22
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
From the Gospel of Eve cited by Epiphanius Hæres xxvi 3 3 adapted 97

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