Page 52 - Rourke Classroom Catalog 2020
P. 52

 Grades K–1 Summer Bridge Essentials® Backpack
Summer Bridge Paired Text Reading Guide
Grades K–1
Grades 1–2 Summer Bridge Essentials® Backpack
Summer Bridge Paired Text Reading Guide
Section 1 Calendar
At the beginning of each week, think about the goal you set for the month. Determine the action steps you can take to reach your goal. Don’t forget to log your reading in the Summer Reading Log!
Day 1
Complete Day 1 workbook pages.
Choose one of your fiction paired books. Complete the Preview,
Day 2
Complete Day 2 workbook pages.
Using the fiction book you read yesterday, complete the Discuss
Day 3
Complete Day 3 workbook pages.
Using the fiction book you have been Activity this week,
Day 4
Complete Day 4 workbook pages.
Choose an activity in the Extension Activities section to
Day 5
Complete Day 5 workbook pages.
Read your book to a family member.
Grades K-1 Summer Bridge Essentials Backpacks User Guide
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Complete Day 10 workbook pages.
Choose a game from your flash card box to practice your sight
Day 15
Complete Day 15 workbook pages.
and read
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14
Choose a game from your flash card box to practice your sight
Day 20
Complete Day 20 workbook pages.
Complete the BONUS section in your
A Division of
Day 16
Day 17 Day 18 Day 19
A Division of
Summer Bridge Essentials® Backpacks
rades 1–2
781643696355 $29.95
Comparing & Contrasting Your Paired Text:
Use the following questions to help your child find similarities and differences after reading the paired fiction and nonfiction books.
• Compare and contrast the different information presented in both texts. How were the two books similar and how were they different?
• Which book was more interesting to read? Use details from both texts to support your answer.
• How did the pairing of the two books help you better understand the common topic or theme
Day 16
and read
Choose a game from your flash card box to practice your addition
Day 20
Complete the BONUS
A Division of
A Division of
they both had?
A Division of
Section 1 Calendar
At the beginning of each week, think about the goal you set for the month. Determine the action steps you can take to reach your goal. Don’t forget to log your reading in the Summer Reading Log!
Day 1
Complete Day 1 workbook pages.
Day 2
Complete Day 2 workbook pages.
Day 3
Complete Day 3 workbook pages.
Day 4
Complete Day 4 workbook pages.
Day 5
Complete Day 5 workbook pages.
Grades 1-2 Summer Bridge Essentials Backpacks User Guide
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Choose a game from your flash card box to practice your addition
Day 15
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14
Day 17 Day 18 Day 19
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