Page 108 - NS 2024
P. 108

 backyard became a thing to be maintained, rather than Everly and Owen’s kingdom.
I called the three of you on this quest in hopes of bringing you back together. I know you’re probably grieving, but hopefully, this has brought you a little joy. I tried to give you three a quest like you always wanted to go on when you were kids. You have all inevitably changed since you were children, and that’s okay. That is natural. It’s good to remember the brightest parts of yourself, though. Hopefully, this quest has at least partially fulfilled the sense of adventure that your younger selves could not contain.
Something that none of you ever knew was that after you told me about your stories for the day, I would go up to my room and write the ideas down. Eventually, I began to see a pattern. I
began to be able to piece together a story from them. I wasn’t much of a writer, but day by day, I was able to make larger stories, all originating from your adventures. It took nearly a decade to prepare everything, but the materials in this basement are some of my proudest works. I skipped lunch almost every day at work, working on these stories.
I have crafted three series of stories, one dedicated to each of you. They are all based on stories you made up as kids. I have called you here because I’m hoping you’ll finish what you started. Sienna, you’re studying to become an artist. I can’t draw anything better than stick figures, so I’m hoping you can provide illustrations for these books. Everly, I was thrilled when you decided to study English in college. You will be able to edit these books because I know they’ll need it. And Owen, your business knowledge will certainly be needed for the marketing of these books.
I have already talked to a few agents, and they have guaranteed that these stories will reach far and wide. They’re pretty good, or so I’ve been told by the few people who knew about this project. I tried to mostly keep it a secret. All money earned from these books will be split three ways between the two of you.
I may be gone, and your days of playing freely in our backyard may be gone too, but I hope these books preserve your memories forever. May you always cherish your younger days.
Love, Mom
I look at Owen rst. He’d nished his letter at the same time as me. I was surprised to see tears in his eyes. I hardly ever saw my brother cry. “What?” I asked though it wasn’t a great uestion.

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