Page 76 - NS 2024
P. 76

 Orlena Emersyn had lost her baby by no fault of her own. The child had been wanted and eagerly anticipated by her and her husband. According to the rumors Lyssa could hear flying around the square, Orlena had woken up in terrible pain and hours later, she miscarried.
According to their laws, despite there being no evidence of foul play, Orlena had to stand trial for the child’s murder.
Lyssa knew what the outcome of the trial would be, as did every person that was gathered in the square. They all listened silently to the judge as he read out Orlena’s offense. Lyssa watched Orlena the entire time, unable to pull her eyes from her tear-stained face and the line of blood dripping down her leg. When the verdict was read, Lyssa closed her eyes and prayed to the Almighty to protect Orlena’s soul, despite her sin. Orlena was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to death. The crowd barely blinked, but Lyssa’s chest was tight and aching. She believed in Orlena’s innocence, but the Law of the Almighty demanded that she be punished. And who was Lyssa to question the Almighty.
The shot echoed through the square and the birds that had been singing fell silent. Orlena crumpled to the stage, her eyes half closed, her lips still forming a prayer. No one bothered to cover her body. Dignity was not owed to a woman who would murder her child. A pool of crimson slowly surrounded her body, giving the illusion of a bloody halo. Lyssa longed to wipe the tears from her eyes and the blood from the inside of her legs.
Lyssa had seen plenty of executions. For some reason, Orlena’s death shook her to her core. Her upcoming Journey had made her hyper-aware that her future was looming closer and it was not something she could outrun. Later that day, her Journey would begin and if she was blessed, she

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