Page 34 - North Star Literary & Art Magazine
P. 34

 The Day Begins
There is a sunflower
On my windowsill
Every morning I wake up to see her facing the sky Dreaming with eyes open
She looks to me
As I wake and swear at the alarm clock
Her voice
Morning rain
When she says are you ok?
My response is bitter
To the clock that ticks off my consciousness
My voice is A finger in the air
to the ringing in my ears.
I roll out of a blanket covered in stars and slip into silver flip flops
Sunflower is quick
Some mornings I see the flash of her petals As she walks out the door
And other days
She is a fellow
To a friend we both admire
called sleep
I would not trade her Foralilyora Rose
‘Cause Sunflower is kind With her water
True to a fault
in every morning conversation.

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