Page 60 - North Star Literary & Art Magazine
P. 60

 I peaked out of my hatch, across the way I could see Skyler doing the same. “You good?” he called.
“Yeah!” I answered back. We both stepped out and began to quietly pace our decks. Skyler was wearing a life jacket too. I imagine the same fears occurred on his boat as on mine. My ropes held and suffered no substantial damage, the hulls were in good condition as well.
I heard Skyler shout, “Imma come over to ya!”
“Alright!” The putter of the dingy’s motor was quite soft after the wind. Everything seemed quieter than usual. When he arrived and grabbed hold of my railing he asked,
“No damage?”
“Doesn't look it,” We stood for a moment silent. The Coast Guard boats buzzed up and down the channel, lights flashing. In the water we both noticed a life jacket slowly drifting by with nobody in it. “That isn't good.”
“No, it is not.”

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