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       Rev. Dr. Darren M. Morton In honor of Your Faithful and Dedicated Service to the Ministry
We are grateful for your willingness to give of yourself and be used where God has placed you. You allow God to use you to touch many lives and make a difference and it is deeply appreciated.
You have taught us to have faith, hold on and stand on God’s Word. Thank you for your continued leadership and guidance
Macedonia Baptist Church Silver and Gold Ministry
Anne Clark - President, Marlene Dandridge -Vice President,
Fani Miller-Beard - Secretary, Bettie Johnson - Treasurer,
Cordell Johnson - Assistant Treasurer, Dorothy Brown, Margie Bagby, Barbara Bryant, Bruce Davis, Isola DosSantos, Janie Grant, Cynthia Leacock, Armecia Moore, Norma Moses, Claudia Terry, Paulette Washington, Carol White
 Deceased members: Marie Anne Ward, Barbara Swain, Lillian Bivens, Mary Baker, Clarence Johnson

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