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Northeastern Province Council 2021
The Rockland Orange Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., proudly celebrates its th Anniversary and congratulates The New Rochelle - White Plains Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., on
hosting the 91st Northeastern Province Council Meeting! President
Mary Lynn Nicolas-Brewster
Vice President
Gwendolyn Parris
Program Director
Cynthia Dansby
Recording Secretary
Nikosa Collins
Corresponding Secretary
Peta-Gaye Williams
Michele Reed Bowman
Financial Secretary
Pamela Verette
Taisha Lewis Edouard
Jack and Jill of America Foundation President Icilma Fergus Rowe
Victoria Agostini, Patricia Brimais-Tenemille, Sonya Burnham, Jennifer Cephus, Widley
Cesar, Marci Daniel, Claire Elpenord, Tanya Gayle, Shante George, Ericia Gray, Djenane Griffith, Lisa Hines-Johnson, Tineica Johnson-Fields, Wanda Julien, Latasha Kempadoo- Riddle, Ann Marie Lebrun, Millicent Lee, Amy Lucas, Raquel Lettsome, Caroline Mattison, Sophia McIntyre-Daniel, Chantay Miller, Taren Mitchell-Fleming, Deana Nelson, Shamaine Nials, Vanessa Rice, Nathalie Riobe-Taylor, Johanne Santos, Teyanna Smalls-McEachin, Nycole Smith-Minniefield, Leslie Solan, Camille Stewart, Cheryl Walters, Donnia Williams, Rasheena Wilson