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Words From The Grand Polemarch
    “Operation Restoration”,
Brother To Brother,
Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges.
March 1, 2021
The Grand Chapter
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The Grand Chapter
 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Training For Leadership Since 1911
From the Desk of The Grand Polemarch
 To the Brothers of the Northeastern Province, one of our most dynamic Provinces, greetings and welcome to what I anticipate will be successful Virtual Province Council. It is my esteemed pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the Grand Chapter Officers and the Grand Board of Directors to the 91st Northeastern Province Council. Since your last Province Council we have faced unprecedented challenges as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Fraternity was forced to operate in a virtual platform. I applaud the great leadership of Province Polemarch Christopher J. Thompkins, Senior Province Vice Polemarch, Ted Sanchious, the Province Planning Committee and all of you hard working Brothers of the Northeastern Province. You all have worked effortlessly and tirelessly to ensure this Province Council’s success and a memorable event.
On behalf of the Grand Chapter Officers, Grand Board of Directors, as well as the International Headquarters Staff, I thank all involved for a job very well done! Have a wonderful and productive Province Council.
Yours in the Bond,
Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. Grand Polemarch
International Headquarters * 2322-24 North Broad Street * Philadelphia, PA 19132-4590 * 215-228-7184 * Fax 215-228-7181
   605 Washington Place • East St. Louis, IL62205• (618) 593-3436 •

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