Page 5 - Vistar Catalog - Winter/Spring 2025
P. 5
Catalog Instructions / Information
This catalog is provided as a product sourcing tool.
Please contact your Account Manager for further information,
assistance or ordering support, as they will be your best resource.
(refer to page 3 for contact information).
This catalog is broken down into different segments to assist in locating your desired product.
Table of Contents (Page 6)
• Provides each group (distinguished by color), categories (tabs) and page numbers.
Three Focus Groups - These groups are assigned to different tab colors which allow for
easier searching.
• All Green Tabs: Food and Beverage (highlight or label in green)
• All Blue Tabs: Non Food Items (highlight or label in blue)
• All Orange Tabs: Personal Care/Clothing (highlight or label in orange)
Product Categories - Each individual tab will indicate a category of products that we offer
for easier product location.
• Example: In our Blue Tab Section (Non Food Items), you will find different category tabs
such as Skin Care, Hair Care, Soap and Body Wash, etc.
Product Subcategories - Within each category tab, there will be subcategories of products
that fall within that section. Each Subcategory is labeled with a header on each page.
Content Lists - Each page will provide a chart/content list displaying all the important
information regarding each product on that page, such as Price and Item number.
**Please ensure items numbers are using when ordering or inquiring about a product**
Stocking Warehouse Location - Within each content list, each item indicates which
warehouse it is stocked at.
• Green Dot - Jenny Service (RW- West Region)
• Red Dot - Maxima Supply (HL- East Region)
• Yellow Dot - Vistar OPCO’s (National)
NOTE: Jenny Service & Maxima Supply items can be made available in both warehouses
with customer request and forecast commitments. Contact your Account Manger for further
Vistar Items do REQUIRE separate orders to avoid errors/confusion. These items are actively
stocked in most OPCO’s but not all. When ordering, please contact your Account Manager to
confirm availability, lead time and pricing.