Page 4 - What Was Christ Really Like - FINAL 04012020
P. 4

 Jesus twice chased the money changers out of the Temple! He was angry at those who were polluting God’s Temple, making it a house of merchandise and a den of thieves!
On other occasions, Christ boldly stood before the religious leaders of His day and publicly branded them as the hypocrites that they were!
9. But was Jesus equally capable of expressing feelings of sorrow and agony? Isaiah 53:3; Luke 22:44. Was He full of love, mercy and compassion? Mark 6:34; John 15:9-13. And did He cry? John 11:35.
Christ was loving, kind and helpful to His fellow human beings. On many occasions He healed the blind, lame, leprous, deaf and dumb, cast out demons and fed the hungry crowds who listened to Him teach about the good news of the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:11).
Yet Jesus always gave God the credit for these miracles (John 5:30, 14:10), realizing that the power to perform these spiritual works came from His Father in heaven through the Holy Spirit.
10. Was Jesus willing to spend time with people from all walks of life, including children? Matthew 9:11; Luke 7:36; Mark 10:13-16. Did He love to serve people? Acts 10:38.
Jesus knew how to conduct Himself in any social situation. On many occasions He enjoyed good food and drink (Luke 7:33-34), yet He always exercised perfect self-control.
11. Did Jesus have a clear understanding of human relationships and knowledge in many different fields? Luke 21:1-4; 12:13-21; Matthew 20:1-16; 23:23; Luke 19:12-26. (You may want to summarize in your own words the verses given in answer to these questions.)
Jesus’ parables revealed His knowledge of financial matters, relations between employer and employee, and people’s attitudes toward money, among other things. He used this knowledge to make spiritual points. He also knew at least three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) and understood the Scriptures like no one else!
12. Did Christ teach obedience to the laws of the ruling government? Matthew 23:2-3; 17:24-27; 22:17-21.
Jesus taught His disciples to obey the laws of the land. He also set the example of paying tribute, or taxes, to the Roman government.
13. Did Jesus keep God’s commandments? John 15:10. Did He instruct others to do likewise? Matthew 19:17. Because He was human, was He tempted to sin as we are? Hebrews 4:15.
Like any ordinary person, Jesus was tempted in all points. But He always rejected these temptations to sin because He called on the full power of God’s spiritual strength (John 3:34) for the help needed to obey God perfectly.

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