Page 6 - Why God Is Not Real To Most People
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Himself known to mankind – and to communicate to mankind the knowledge of the truth, the knowledge of the purpose of life, the spiritual laws that govern life and all relationships – and of the hereafter!
Is there such a God? Does that God exist?
Did He ever communicate such a revelation of essential knowledge to mankind? – and if so, I ask you, why is the world today groping so helplessly in the darkness of confusion – with actually hundreds of different and conflicting religious teachings?
More than fifty years ago I was led by this very God to ask these same questions – and to seek their rational - and - absolute PROOF, one way or the other.
Since I could not see this Supreme God, I turned to what could be seen, or heard – measured and examined and absolutely proved.
Matter itself is not the great first cause, as some seem to think – for there was a time, long, long ago, when matter came into existence. Something could not bring itself into existence out of nothing. There was, then, a creating power that is apart from, and independent of, matter. Next, was this First Cause – the Creating Power that created matter – intelligent? I found accurate and absolute proof, irrefutable, that this Creator was a Supreme Intelligence – an intelligence infinitely higher than that in man. The reader can have this same proof by reading our free booklet, Does God Exist?, on this website.
But what was this Creator like? Ah, I could not prove that by the laws of Science. I could prove only that there is a Creator, who is intelligent.
But, regardless of whether the Creator be a personal God, IF He is intelligent, it would be an insult to intelligence if He had not revealed Himself and His purpose in creating humanity on this earth – and all the fundamental knowledge about life that mankind seems to lack.
I began to look into the religious writings – the Sacred Scriptures – and the works of the religions of the world. Being an American, reared in what I was told was Christianity – but now doubting it, and demanding proof, I first set out to prove whether or not the Holy Bible could be such an inspired revelation.
The Proof of Inspiration 
In this Book I found one actually quoted, saying He was God Almighty – a Personal Being who had created everything that exists. This God is quoted directly as speaking, and as delivering decrees and sentences on the greatest of the ancient city-states, on the greatest of ancient nations and empires – and foretelling what He was going to cause to happen to those cities, nations, and empires a very few years later or a thousand years later or several thousand years later – and throughout eternity!
Now no mortal man could put such colossal pronouncements in writing, and bring them to pass. No man could cause such results. No man could know the future!

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