Page 2 - God's Great Master Pt.2
P. 2

[Originally from the Good News Magazine, June-July 1980, as  prepared by Richard H. Sedliacik, edited by the Bible Fund editors] 
12). What is the next festival, or annual Sabbath, of the seven described in Leviticus 23? Verse 23-24.
The Feast of Trumpets depicts primarily the triumphant return of the powerful living Christ to set up the government of God on earth and to rule as King of kings (Rev 11:15; 19:16). You will recall that the first resurrection also occurs at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is announced by the blast of a mighty trumpet (1 Thes 4:16-17; 1 Cor 15:52). Yet, the overall meaning of the Feast of Trumpets encompasses even more.
Notice that it is the Feast of Trumpets, plural (Lev 23:24), not the “Feast of the Last Trump.” When ancient Israel was wandering in the wilderness, they became accustomed to the blowing of trumpets for many purposes: the calling of assemblies, the signal to march or halt, officer’s call or as a warning. Much like the use of bugles in modern military history, Israel recognized various sounds as having specific meanings.
13). What do Revelation 8:1-2, 6 and 10:7 have to say regarding the blowing of trumpets shortly before the return of Christ?
There is a parallel between trumpets sounding alarms of warning in ancient Israel and the warning / witness message of the Work of God today (Isa 58:1). There is also a similar relationship between the angelic trumpet blasts of Revelation signaling the imminent return of Jesus Christ and the continual warning and witness conducted by God’s Work as it prepares the way for the return of Jesus Christ. The successive angelic trumpet blasts and accompanying catastrophic events on a worldwide scale just prior to Christ’s return will serve as final warnings to a heedless, sin-ravaged world!
14). What annual Sabbath follows only nine days after the Feast of Trumpets? Lev 23:26-32; 16:2-34, especially verses 29-31 of chapter 16. Also notice Revelation 20: 1-3 in connection with Leviticus 16:21-22.
The rituals required of the Old Testament Levitical ministry on the Day of Atonement are described in great detail in the 16th chapter of Leviticus. Suffice it to say here that the live goat, upon whom all the sins of Israel were to be confessed and which was led into the desolate wilderness, represents the devil, upon whom the guilt of all the sins of mankind will be laid by Jesus Christ after He returns.

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