P. 3

 This is typical of how mankind has been reacting to God since the incident in the Garden of Eden. Ever since Adam, the world in general has been playing the game of hide-and-seek with God.
3. What is God compared to? 1 John 1:5. Is this why people have tried to hide from God and even claim He does not exist? John 3:19-20. Have they cut themselves off from God because of their sins? Isaiah 59:2.
Everyone since Adam and Eve has sinned by breaking God’s law (Romans 3:23, 1 John 3:4). Humanity is accustomed to living a way of life the Bible refers to as “darkness.” But God never sins. His way of life is like a bright light that shows the way out of darkness, or sin. But because people like the darkness, they hide from the light of God.
4. What is one of the things Jesus Christ did while on Earth? John 1:18.
Jesus, one of the two eternal members of the God Family, came to earth to reveal God the Father to us, as well as to die for the sins of all mankind.
5. Besides the many revelations from God that are written in the Bible, is there another way we can understand the invisible things of God and the absolute reality of His existence? Romans 1:19-20.
Think about the physical universe and all that it contains. From the forces that bind atomic nuclei and fuel gigantic stars, to the laws that sustain incredibly huge galaxies; from our marvelous, life-sustaining earth, to the vastness of space; from the beauty and intricacy of the observable creation, to our incredibly complex minds that can try to comprehend it – all are awe- inspiring evidence of the existence and power of an almighty, universe-ruling Creator!
6. Since the evidence of God is clearly seen everywhere in His creation, why isn’t God real to most people today? Have they become willingly ignorant of the reality of God? Romans 1:21-25. How does God describe one who refuses such obvious proof of His existence? Verse 22; Psalm 14:1.
The ancient philosophers knew that a Creator God exists. They examined the world around them and discovered order, harmony, system and design. God was in this sense revealed to them, because the existence of order, harmony, system and design absolutely demand a supreme Architect and Designer – a supreme Creator!
But these same men flatly rejected the evidence rather than answer to a higher authority. For if they had admitted God exists, they would have had to obey Him! So, they “suppressed,” or held back, the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18). They convinced themselves, against the facts and their own better judgment, that God doesn’t exist. Those who reject such obvious evidence indeed look foolish to God.

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