Page 22 - Just What Is the Purpose and Mission of The Church Pt.
P. 22

"I repeat: That GOVERNMENT is based on God's spiritual laws – as all governments are based on a constitution of foundational law."
"The super archangel Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12 14) had been perfect in all his ways from the day of his initial creation, till iniquity – lawlessness – was found in him."
"The GOVERNMENT OF GOD no longer was operative on Earth!"
—Herbert W. Armstrong,  "Seven Proofs of God's True Church,"  Plain Truth, March 1979.
"... Satan's kingdom of angels – now turned to demons – rejected the GOVERNMENT OF GOD, and it was thus removed from Earth."  ================================
"That GOVERNMENT OF GOD exists at this time on Earth only through those that are doing God's Work." 
"Few, even among professing converted Christians, realize the vital and SUPREME NEED to be conscious and constantly aware of Satan's efforts to get to US, who already have turned from Satan's way and to the WAY of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD."
—Herbert W. Armstrong,  "Human Nature – Did God Create It?"  WCG article reprint, 1976. (Also Incredible  Human Potential, pp. 167 168.)
"The false Trinity teaching does limit God to three Persons. But God is not limited. As God repeatedly reveals, his purpose is to reproduce himself into what well may become billions of God persons. It is the false Trinity teaching that limits God, denies God's purpose and has palpably deceived the whole Christian world."
"The Trinity doctrine limits God to a supposed three Persons. It DESTROYS the very gospel of Jesus Christ! His gospel is the good news of the now soon coming KINGDOM OF GOD ..."
"The Trinity doctrine ... is the doctrine of the great false religion called in Revelation 17:5: 'Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.' "
"By that doctrine, along with others, Satan has DECEIVED all traditional Christianity."  "Satan has deceived the entire world in regard to the very nature of WHO and WHAT God is..."
"The very first idea or teaching about God being a Trinity began in the latter half of the second century – a hundred years after most of the New Testament had been written. The

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