Page 9 - Just What Is the Purpose and Mission of The Church Pt.
P. 9

“Wherever God’s true Church is – the ONE Church that is CHRIST’S – it will be preaching that [true] GOSPEL to the whole world – over all continents – today. For we are near the END! That is the Gospel of the living Christ! It is the GOOD NEWS of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD to RULE THE WORLD!”
“Many have appropriated God’s name, but are not proclaiming the KINGDOM OF GOD ...”
“[The] true Church is preaching the imminency of the coming of CHRIST as King of kings and LORD of lords, to RULE all nations for a thousand years on Earth.”
—Herbert W. Armstrong, “Personal,”  Good News, August 1983.
“This is my first letter to you in 1986, and could very well be my last.”
“It may be that the Work God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God’s Church, which will be faithfully doing God’s Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns.”
“Remember, brethren, this is not the work of Herbert W. Armstrong ... or any man. It is the Work of the Living Creator, God.”
“The greatest work lies yet ahead.”
—Herbert W. Armstrong’s last co worker letter,  10 January 1986. (Letter can be found in  Volume 2 of Mr. Armstrong’s Autobiography  on pp 643 645.)
“Brethren, if we are to continue to grow – and to grow SPIRITUALLY as well as in numbers – we must remember that the PURPOSE of the Church is, first, to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD and preach Christ’s GOSPEL. The FIRST commission to the Church is just that. Anyone who looks on the Great Commission of Christ as ‘Armstrong’s private work’ is just not a member of GOD’S Church. Anyone who does not have his whole heart in that work IS NOT A MEMBER OF GOD’S TRUE CHURCH, and has no right whatsoever to attend or fellowship in any of its local congregations.”
—Herbert W. Armstrong, “Why Local Assemblies?”  Good News, March 1954.
Comment: This is PRECISELY what many sleeping brethren have concluded today! As far as being asleep, I include myself, we were all asleep! They consider Mr. Armstrong’s

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