Page 3 - ONLINE Our Program
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Each individual child’s learning and interests are planned for, documented and evaluated, in response to their unique capabilities, strengths, interests and cultural experiences.
With this in mind, we support the creation of stimulating
learning environments that foster growth and wellbeing through meaningful play. Learning is created through the children’s spontaneity and intentional teaching that is deliberate and purposeful – designed to develop children’s problem solving, numeracy, literacy and continue to promote discovery.
When we reflect on our day’s activities we use the EYLF’s outcomes to ensure each child is secure, confident, involved in learning and that their interests are being met to the best of our and their abilities.
1. Childrenhaveastrongsenseof identity
2. Childrenareconnectedwithand
3. contributetotheirworld
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
4. Childrenareconfidentandinvolved learners
5. Childrenareeffective communicators

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