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October 01, 2020 15
 Churches, pastors celebrate ordinations
Isaac King was ordained at Hillview Baptist Church Aug. 15. King has pastored the church since Nov. 2018 and also serves as vice moderator for Sandy Creek Baptist Association. He and his wife, Abby, have two daughters. “It was so wonderful to get to celebrate what God is doing in our lives here at Hillview,” the pastor posted on social media. “We truly are blessed.”
Surrounded by fellow leaders from the region, Farid Ali (center) was ordained Sept. 13 at Crosswinds Church in Plainfield. He has served churches in Three Rivers Baptist Association through pulpit supply, said Cross- winds pastor Ken Schultz, and has helped lead Emmanuel Baptist in Lemont during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also served eight years as a youth leader. Ali and his wife, Christie, have two sons.
     11 trust Christ in Amboy
CELEBRATION DAY – “What have they decided?” Grace Fellowship Church asked in a Facebook post following a multi-generational baptism service. “They decided to give their lives to Jesus and follow him the rest of the days of their lives. They also followed him in obedience to His command/ordinance of baptism.” The northern Illinois church and Pastor Brian McWethy celebrated 11 baptisms Sept. 6.
Ed Ingram is the new bivocational pastor at Sterling Baptist Church in Fairview Heights. Ingram answered the call to ministry in 1991. He and his wife, Denise, have five chil- dren. He also serves as a teacher at Maryville Christian School.
Jay Loucks began his min- istry as pastor at Wayne City Baptist Church in September. He and his family relocated
to Illinois from eastern Ohio,
where he served as a pastor.
Loucks and his wife, Joann,
have two children: Jay III and Jenna.
Woody White is senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Atwood. A graduate of Boyce College in Louisville, Ky., White and his wife, Brittany, previous- ly served at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Decatur, where he was student pastor.
Bethel Baptist Church in
Bourbonnais and Pastor
Wright Eavenson closed
a 15-year chapter with the
pastor’s retirement Aug. 30.
Eavenson wrote in his retire-
ment announcement earlier this
year, “Words are not adequate to express the joy, blessing, comfort, and support you have been to Ruth and me through all the moments of our lives while serving here.”
Mike Young was ordained in August and installed as pastor of New Beginnings Baptist Church in Streator. Young and his wife, Wendi, served with the International Mission Board in Czech Republic before moving to Illinois to man- age Streator Baptist Camp. Young will stay on with IBSA in a part-time capacity offering guidance for the camps ministries. He initially served New Beginnings as interim pastor, helping two existing congregations merge three years ago.
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First Baptist Church of Elk Grove Village seeks a bivocational, part-time pastor to lead in pastoral care and our Sunday morning worship service. Contact the search committee at, or send resumés to 590 Tonne Rd., Elk Grove Village IL 60007. Please, no phone calls.
First Baptist Church, Patoka, is a small but loving, mission-minded congregation of 50-60 active members who are in search of a full-time pastor. Resumés may be sent to chairperson Tom Chapman at 595 East 100th Ave., Patoka, IL 62875.
North Benton Missionary Baptist Church seeks a bivocational, part-time pastor. Send resumés to 623 Joplin St., Benton IL 62812, or
First Baptist Church, Le Roy, seeks a bivocational pastor. Please provide an updated resume with family, experience, ordination details, and three references. You must affirm The Baptist Faith and Message (2000) and be Southern Baptist-affiliated. Send all candidate material to, Attn: Pastoral Search Committee.

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