Page 43 - The Serfaty Passover Haggadah
P. 43

 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth. The ultimate conclusion, all having been heard: fear God and observe His commandments, for this is the whole of man. My mouth will utter the praise of the Lord, and all flesh shall bless His holy Name forever and ever. And we will bless the Lord from now and forever; Halleluyah praise God.
Before mayim acharonim (washing fingers) the following verse is said:
This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and the heritage assigned to him by God. After mayim acharonim, the following verse is said: And he said to me: This is the table that is before the Lord.
When the Grace after Meal is said with a quorum of three or more males over the age of 13, the leader begins:
Gentlemen, let us say Grace!
The others respond: May the Name of the Lord be blessed from now and forever. The Leader [repeats the response and] continues: With the permission of the masters, teachers and gentlemen, let us bless He of whose bounty we have eaten. The others respond: Blessed be He of whose bounty we have eaten. The leader repeats this response.
Those present who did not partake of the meal respond:
Blessed and praised be His Name always, forever and ever.
If there is a quorum of ten males over the age of 13 then the leader begins:
Gentlemen, let us say Grace!
The others respond: May the Name of the Lord be blessed from now and forever. The Leader repeats the response and continues: With the permission of the masters, teachers and gentlemen, let us bless our God He of whose bounty we have eaten.
The others respond: Blessed be our God He of whose bounty we have eaten.
The leader repeats this response.
Those present who did not partake of the meal respond: Blessed be our God and praised be His Name always, forever and ever. All who ate, male and female recite the Grace.

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