Page 5 - Delaney & Sons Photography Proposal 2024:25 season
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  5 reasons to hire the Walking Gun photographer
Photography is more accessible now than ever. Advances in technology – particularly mobile phone cameras – have made it possible for almost anyone to create the type of image that would have been entirely out of reach a decade ago. However, the resulting image while being generally in focus and mainly well exposed will be average and constrained by an algorithm that is looking to be OK most of the time. The question is do you want ordinary or Extraordinary?
While it’s true that almost any camera or even mobile phone today set to automatic can produce reasonable results, great photos are about more than just a camera so below are 5 reasons why you should consider commissioning the Walking Gun Photographer.
You deserve it.
Some guns feel that a professional photographer just isn’t worth the investment. They don’t know what they’d do with their images, or they feel like it’s a waste of time and money. But photos are one of the few ways we can truly hold on to memories. As you grow older, you’ll forget so many things you swore to remember. A good photographer can help you look back on your shoot day or hunting/fishing trip in years to come and relive the experience by capturing the overall essence of the day in a way that a few snatched selfies on your phone never will. You deserve to remember the special moments in your season, and your kids deserve to have photos of you when you’re gone doing the things you love and made you happy. Everyone deserves to be remembered, and photography helps us capture those memories for the years and decades to come.
Value for money - For less than the price of a brace of birds!
So you've worked hard all summer, booked your day in the field, had your gun serviced and its fitting checked, got your new shooting glasses, boots new tweeds and even made it to the clay grounds to get some much needed practice in. Booked the hotel. Planned your route, bought the cartridges, checked, checked and rechecked your kit and have packed the boot of the car 5 times in your mind. But looking back at it all in years to come what will you actually be able to remember? By commissioning a photographer to document your day, days or even season you have a permanent record of your sporting day that you can look back on in years to come and relive the excitement, remember the food, the company and the details of the day that with the best of intentions you would have let slip form your mind. When you then consider the cost of a day in the field and what little justice a few rushed snaps on your iPhone do for the day, the cost of taking a photographer along when covered by your team is less than the price of a brace of birds*

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