Page 4 - Sporting Estate Photography Proposal 2023:24 season A4
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  Growing up in the West Country on a smallholding which ran from our stables down to the sea I developed a passion and affinity for the country and the ocean and the pursuits I now record for others. I have been fortunate to have travelled the world and have found that country people where ever they are generally as passionate about conservation as they are about the field sports they enjoy. My photography captures the passion, mystique and above all the beauty of our countryside and wildlife that makes it so special and the people who work tirelessly to protect and sustain the land over which they are custodians.
I spend my time with like minded people who come together to share their love of our countryside and a respect and appreciation for the history and traditions of a country, equine or nautical way of life. While advances in technology mean we all seem to carry a mobile phone with a camera there are times that deserve more than a snatched selfie at the start of a drive and are of sufficient personal importance to be recorded properly, documented and printed and displayed as a long term memory long after phones have been upgraded and the images of your special day in the field lost amongst the thousands of other images.
In the 2022/2023 season I recorded 121 days in the UK, several were first days in the field for families introducing the next generation to the line and sadly a number were of last days in the field, but while its sad that these guns are no longer with us I pride myself that I produced for their family and friends a lasting memory of their loved ones in action, in the field, surrounded by friends doing what they love.
5 reasons to hire the Walking Gun photographer
Photography is more accessible now than ever. Advances in technology – particularly mobile phone cameras – have made it possible for almost anyone to create the type of image that would have been entirely out of reach a decade ago. The question is do you want ordinary or extraordinary? Great photos are about more than just a camera so below are 5 reasons why you should consider commissioning the Walking Gun Photographer.
• You deserve it.
Some guns feel that a professional photographer isn’t worth the investment - they don’t know what they would do with their images. But photos are one of the few ways we can truly hold on to memories. As you grow older, you will forget so many things you swore to remember. A good photographer can help you look back on your shoot day or hunting/ fishing trip in years to come and re-live the experience by capturing the overall essence of the day in a way that a few snatched selfies on your phone never will.

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