P. 156

Cooking Methods
After poultry has been prepared correctly it is important that the correct correct cooking method method is is used to ensure a a a quality dish The cooking method method adopted depends on the the dish required As the the chef you you must make sure that you you work in a a a a a safe manner and and that the correct tools Techniques and and methods are used It is is useful to to remember that a a a tough and fibrous bird is is best cooked using wet methods of cookery e e e e e e g g g g stewing braising or or boiling For tender poultry dry methods of cooking cooking are appropriate e e e e e e g g g g g g roasting grilling etc overcooking poultry makes it dry and unappealing to eat Steaming
The breast of poultry poultry is is usually steamed steaming ensures that the poultry poultry is is kept moist during cooking and is is a a a healthier option Poaching
White stock is is usually used to to poach poultry poultry To test whether the the poultry poultry is is cooked prick the meat gently The juices should run clear white Stewing
allows you to produce a a a a good flavoured dish from cheaper cuts of poultry e e e e e e e e g g g g g the legs or thighs Vegetables and and stock can be added and and cooking slowly enables the flavours to infuse or merge Towards the the end of the the cooking time you may need to a a a stewed poultry dish This can be done by by reducing the liquid so it it thickens itself or by by using a a roux or starch-based sauce method Frying
Regular turning and checking of the poultry during frying is essential to ensure that that the food is cooked right through Remember that that thicker pieces of meat will take longer longer to cook cook For example chicken drumsticks will require longer longer cooking than the thin strips Deep-frying
Pieces of poultry which are deep-fried must be closely monitored to to make sure they are thoroughly cooked Temperature probing or or piecing the the the flesh at at the the the thickest part to to see if the the blood runs from the the joint is a a a good indicator Shallow-frying sautéing and stir-frying
Only good quality birds should be used when shallow frying The pan is usually deglazed with wine or stock to to remove the residues and a a a a a sauce is is made from this When stir frying the the poultry poultry must be cut into goujon size strip as the the poultry poultry is cooked at at a a a a a very high temperature and quickly about 5minutes This ensures the poultry stays moist and tender Grilling
The The most common types of poultry which are are grilled are are chicken and duck The The poultry is usually butter-flied or cut up and placed on skewers as kebabs The poultry should then be lightly coated in in oil unless already marinated Once cooked the the the poultry must be be probed to ensure that it is at at at the the the correct temperature If the the the poultry is over cooked it will become tough and dry Roasting
The The most popular way of cooking poultry is to roast the bird bird whole The The bird bird should be placed onto a a a a a a a a deep tray usually with a a a a a a a a rack inside and into a a a a a a a a hot oven to to to colour colour Once the the the bird bird begins to to to colour colour reduce the the the heat Prior to to to cooking the the the bird bird can be coated in in seasoning brushed with olive oil oil saffron oil oil will give it it a a a a a golden yellow appearance or barded with bacon 156

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