P. 163

Fruit based desserts can be as as as simple as as as a a a a a a a a a fruit salad or even a a a a a a a a a rhubarb crumble These desserts can be made as as as simple or as as as complex as as as required •
When making fruit fruit salad it it it is important to keep all of the the fruit fruit as as uniformed as as possible (same size) Once the the fruit fruit has been prepared ensure that it it it is is is covered in in stock syrup this will stop the fruit fruit from discolouring but don’t make the the the the syrup syrup to to sweet as the the the the syrup syrup will draw out the the the the natural sugars from the the the the fruit (fructose) Fruit that is commonly avoided in fruit fruit fruit salad are bitter fruits such as lemons limes and grapefruit (citrus fruits) Oranges are are acceptable as they are are sweet in flavour All fruit should be be washed and dried before preparation or or eating Apples need to be peeled and cored then quartered Once prepared they must either be served i i i i e e e e e e e e e e e e as part of a a a a a a a a cheese board or placed in acidulated water to to stop the fruit discolouring Cooking apples may need sugar adding during cooking but this depends upon the dish or chefs requirements Oranges should be prepared with a a a a a sharp knife cut off the the top and the the bottom o of the the the the orange and and cut away the the the the remaining peel and and white pith Next either slice the the the the fruit or cut along either side of each segment to release it it it If you need the the zest grate it it before peeling the fruit Bananas must be prepared as as as as close to service as as as as possible as as as as they will turn brown and deteriorate in in the the fruit salad Even if the the bananas are covered in in acidulated water they will still turn brown Grapes Grapes should be halved and the seeds removed Grapes Grapes produce natural yeast and this this is is is is visible as as a a a a a white powder which covers the grape this this must be washed before preparation or or eating Pears should be be prepared the the same way as apples If the the pears are are to be be poached leave the core in in in and remove after cooking Pears can be poached in in in stock syrup including white or red wine Fruit coulis is is usually made with soft fruits such as as raspberries strawberries mangos and and kiwi The fruits are are prepared as normal and and then sugar (usually icing) is added with a a a a little lemon juice and cooked until the fruit begins to break down The The fruit fruit is then passed through a a a a fine sieve The The fruit fruit must not be placed fin in a a a a food processor as it it losses its colour Allow to cool and serve 163

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