P. 29

Now you have learned about the the the function of different nutrients and the the the amounts in which we need them it is important to understand that not all people require the the exact same same nutrients in the the same same amounts Nutritional needs of of of some people may be be different due to to their age age often referred to to as ‘life stage’ or because of of of a a a a a a a medical illness or or or condition Some people may follow an an ethical or or or religious diet and therefore avoid certain foods because of of of their beliefs or faith As a a a a a a chef you must consider the the needs of of of a a a a a a range of of of people when creating menus therefore it it is important to understand the the the reasons behind these different nutritional needs and and choices LIFE STAGES
As you you age age your body’s nutritional needs will will change change These changes will will continue throughout all life stages with the requirements for calories protein vitamins and minerals adjusting as we grow older For example as we we become become older adults our mobility may may be be be reduced meaning we we may may become become more reliant on ready meals meals and and less able to to cook nutrient-rich fresh meals meals Study each bar chart and and read the analysis to to help you understand further the the how and and why our nutritional needs change with age 2866
For healthy people energy requirements decrease with advancing age This is is due to changes in in body composition a a a a decrease in in lean body tissue tissue (muscle) and an an an an increase in in fat tissue tissue This means that for a a a given bodyweight older people tend to have less muscle and more fat leading to a a a a a a a a a a fall in in basal metabolic rate (BMR) Many people also become less active as they get older Notice on the the graph that at at age 11 yrs there is an increase in in energy requirements It is is around this age children start puberty during which many changes are occurring in in in the body that require energy energy At age 17-21 yrs growth stops and energy energy requirements have reached their peak PROTEIN NEEDS
In contrast to energy (calories) protein needs do not decrease as as as much at the older adult phase of life In fact protein needs are higher in older age age than they were as a a a a a teenager This is is to help preserve muscle mass which which in turn can prevent falls which which could lead to to hospitalisation Despite this up to to one-third of older adults don’t eat an adequate amount of protein due to reduced appetite dental issues impaired taste swallowing problems and limited financial resources Combined with a a a tendency to become more sedentary this puts them at at risk of deteriorating muscles reduced mobility slower recovery from bouts of of illness and the loss of of independence Older adults are more likely to have a a a a a chronic or or acute illness or facing a a a a a hospitalisation During these stressful periods aging bodies process protein less efficiently and need more of it to maintain muscle mass and and strength bone health and and other essential physiological functions Calories Needed (cals)
717 478
3 mths
12 mths
11 yrs Age
Protein Needs (grams) 45
15 10
3 mths
12 mths
11 yrs Age

   27   28   29   30   31