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It is important to to eat a a a a a a a a a a a variety of foods to to maintain a a a a a a a a a a a healthy diet that supports all the body’s functions and needs The Eatwell Guide is used in the UK to help people understand what a a a a a a a healthy balanced diet looks like A healthy balanced diet will provide all the the energy needed to keep active throughout the the day as as well as as nutrients needed for growth and and and repair This helps us to to stay strong and and and healthy and and and help help to to prevent diet-related illness such as some cancers THE EATWELL GUIDE
The Eatwell Guide divides the foods we we eat and drink into 5 main food groups The guide is is a a a visual representation of the proportions we should consume these main food groups in in You do not need to to achieve this balance balance with every meal but try to to get the balance balance right over a a a a a day or or even a a a a a week The percentages for each food group are:
• Fruit and Vegetables - 40%
• Potatoes bread rice pasta and other starchy carbohydrates - 38% • Beans pulses fish eggs meat and other proteins - 12%
• Dairy and alternatives - 8% • Oils and spreads - 1%
You can use the guide to determine how much of your food food should come from each food food group For example fruit and vegetables should make up just over over a a a a a a third of the food we eat in in one day Government guidelines recommend we eat 5 portions of of fruit and/or vegetables per day See the the complete list of of the the Government guidelines for healthy eating below:
• Eat at at least 5 portions of of a a a a a a a a variety of of fruit and vegetables every day • Base meals on
potatoes bread rice pasta or other starchy carbohydrates choosing wholegrain versions
where possible • Eat some beans pulses fish fish eggs meat and other proteins (including 2 portions of of fish fish every week one of of which should be oily) • Have some dairy dairy or dairy dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks) choosing lower lower fat and lower lower sugar options • Choose unsaturated oils and and spreads and and eat in small amounts • Drink 6-8 cups/glasses of fluid a a a day • If consuming foods and and drinks high in in in in fat salt or sugar have these less often and and in in in in small amounts The Eatwell Guide applies to most people regardless of weight dietary restrictions/preferences or or ethnic origin however it does not apply to children under two years because they have different nutritional needs Children aged two to five years should gradually move to eating the the the same foods as the the the rest of their family in the the proportions shown on
the the Eatwell Guide People under medical supervision i i i i i i e e e e e e e with a a a long term illness who are pregnant or have a a a a a a a a special dietary need such as allergies and intolerances are advised to to to consult their doctor before following the Eatwell Guide FOODS HIGH IN FAT SALT AND SUGARS
This includes products such as chocolate cakes biscuits full-sugar soft drinks butter and ice-cream These foods foods are not as as nutritionally beneficial as as other foods foods and therefore should be be consumed less frequently or or in smaller portions Food and and drinks high in in in fat and and sugar contain lots of energy (calories) particularly when you have large servings therefore overconsumption of these foods can lead to unwanted weight gain which may contribute to chronic conditions such as type-2 diabetes and some cancers HYDRATION
You should aim to drink drink 6-8 glasses of fluid every day Water lower fat milk and sugar-free drinks all count Fruit juice and smoothies also count towards your fluid consumption however they are a a a a a a source of free sugars and and should be limited to to no more than a a a a a a a a combined total of o 150ml per day Don’t forget tea and and coffee also count however they they are diuretics meaning they they cause cause you to urinate more which can cause cause dehydration 89

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