Page 12 - NEHA 2020 Annual Report
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Annual Report 2020 | 12
Property Services
The property services team is responsible for the asset management of North and East’s housing stock including technical oversight and due diligence of all new builds and acquisitions. In 2020 we provided technical oversight of 78 new homes including building surveys, clerk of works and snagging.
Delivering a quality customer service to our tenants involves maintaining our homes to a good standard by delivering the completion of timely routine repairs, regular safety and servicing programmes, planned cyclical repairs, stock condition surveys, and planned programmes. In 2020 as a result of the pandemic, response repairs were restricted to emergency and essential works only for a portion of the year with planned maintenance works returning in the second half of the year. By year end 2020 we had completed the backlog of response repairs with planned and cyclical maintenance substantially completed.
Our planned and cyclical maintenance programme for 2020 included kitchen replacements, front door replacements, fencing replacement, periodic electrical inspections, fire detection systems servicing and heating servicing.
During the course of the year, we reviewed the long-term performance of our leased units to give us a better understanding of the asset performance of this stock and the investments required to bring these units in line with our own stock.
A significant achievement in 2020 was the appointment of a single contractor for all void, response and cyclical maintenance. This appointment has streamlined and improved the services we provide to our tenants and delivered efficiencies and value for money.
In 2020, we also began a process of reviewing our asset management policies, processes and procedures including our Asset Management Strategy to be adopted in 2021. The new Asset Management Strategy 2021-2024 will build on the success of the previous strategy setting out a strategic framework to provide an efficient, effective and economic service to our tenants while establishing a framework for meaningful engagement with our tenants across the property services function.
Dowdalls Crescent, Dundalk Co Louth