Page 4 - AFS 2022-2023 Attorney Development Committee Report
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Training: AFS University

         We are committed to your learning and development journey. In 2022, the firm launched AFS University. Led by Paula Ketcham
         (Complex Litigation) and Alan Fishel (Corporate & Securities), AFSU provides best-in-class professional training, working hand in
         hand with our practice group leaders, partners, and industry teams.

                    New Associates                                “Demystifying                                 Mid-Level
                    Training Week                                   Partnership”                                Associates Retreat

            Intensive in-person instruction for           A seven-part series designed to                A program focused on helping
            our newest lawyers on transactional,          educate mid-level and senior                   mid-level associates move to
            litigation, writing, and business and         associates about the path to                   the next level of responsibility,
            communication skills, law firm best           partnership and what happens “on               emphasizing networking,
            practices, and introductions to key           the other side”                                communications skills, business
            firm committees and teams                                                                    development, and wellness

                    Fact and Expert
                    Deposition Training                                   Contracts Program                                    Ongoing Presentations

           A multi-day, in-person, hands-                 An interactive program to help                These presentations cover a wide
           on program for associates in our               attorneys recognize and find flaws in         variety of topics, such as negotiating
           litigation practices led by our                agreements, with follow-up meetings           mistakes and how best to avoid them
           litigation partners                            to further enhance learning

         Smart In Your World                                                                                                                        4
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