Page 27 - Winter 23/24
P. 27

It is as though she doesn’t need to offer anything more than her beauty to be beholden by others, that should suffice. There is no need to put yourself out and actively give anything more is unnecessary.
which is geared to her own needs. Her seemingly yielding character hides the less obvious. They do not seek the limelight or yearn for power for its own sake, but try to create the situation where things are done which is in their own best interests.
MIND: Yielding (3) Dictatorial (1)
Manipulative (2)
When they are unable to create that “safe space”, they can also get irritable and angry , as I am sure many of us have experienced in the consulting room! Being sensitive, they can react in an unexpected and irrational way, seemingly much out of character. This can be where we get to appreciate the underlying essence of the character which creates the superficial persona and associated behaviour patterns.
Thuja or Medorrhinum, or perhaps even more so the use of a bowel nosode. The main bowel nosode associated with Pulsatilla is Mutabile, and this has been recorded of particular clinical use when given to patients with alternating symptoms. However, reflecting the remedy and its multifaceted nature, it is also an associated remedy to a number of others, including Sycotic Co. and Gaertner, both of which can be of great use in intransigent cases of diarrhoea. I would also look more thoroughly at the influence of vaccination: once again, Thuja may be considered, as well as vaccine tautodes, and investigating the Lanthanides (which, of course, were unheard of as remedies pre-1997).
Vanity (2).
Laziness (2)
Affectionate (3) yet absent from the rubric MIND: Affectionate; returns affection.
The plants are found in small clumps, and are usually the first to flower in the year. They also grow up to 30cm high, standing proudly on their stalks before bowing their heads in their apparently unassuming way. There is something of the energy of a cute, yet shy, kitten or puppy about them, naturally attractive without really trying, and not necessarily because of a radiant physical beauty. Despite this, there is a strength about them, enabling them to withstand quite dry environments (they prefer dry grassland sandy environments, as reflected in the well-known thirstlessness of the Pulsatilla patient). They survive the elements by working with them; their defence against the wind in their exposed environment, as well as gathering in small groups, to bend in the wind, hence the other colloquial name “Wind Flower”. Their apparent acquiescence is their covert defence and their hidden strength.
MIND: Obstinate (1) yet MIND: Yielding (3) Courageous (2) yet MIND: Cowardice (2) Defiant (1) yet MIND: Servile (3) Audacity (2)
There is this inner endurance, a survival capacity despite the apparent softness, which stands out with this remedy. There is a deeper layer to her behaviour, one
Sensitive (3)
Irritability (3)
Irritability; children in (1)
sudden (1/8)
trifles from (1)
Anger: beside oneself; being (2)
 There is much value in returning to the old and the trusted. We only need to look at the extraordinary successes of our trail-blazing predecessors to appreciate the power of these medicines. Sometimes it is easy to over-think and over-complicate, a crime of which I was all too guilty during my time in practice. This was, however, a lot harder to do before the appearance of computer repertory programmes. As an old- fashioned modernist, I recognise the value of my earlier reliance on mental arithmetic or slide rules, for example, and of the need to hand repertories all my earlier cases. We are never too experienced to learn to feel a remedy deeper than we have done up till now.
My final thoughts are related to what I might have done differently. I was, at that time, yet to discover the value of combining Carbo veg and Nux vomica for acute digestive upsets with a significant gaseous component. I regularly used “Carbo-Nux” successfully as an acute remedy in practice for less serious digestive disturbances, alongside probiotic support and dietary adjustment.
I would now also be less contented to accept the very occasional and mild recurrences, even when rapidly and effectively terminated by a single dose of Pulsatilla 30c. I would consider the use of a miasmatic remedy, such as

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